This is sort of a hack, but here is my suggestion if you can't get the 
pref to work:

start up mozilla with the -ProfileManager flag in one of the Windows
create a new profile and choose a folder somewhere on your FAT partition.
repeat the process in the other Windows pointing to the same folder(if 
you only installed mozilla once for both Windows than this step is 
unnecessary and so are the previous steps for that matter).
Put your bookmark file directly in the Windows profile.
In Linux do 'ln -sf <windowsprofile>/slt directory/bookmarks.html 
~/.mozilla/<profile>/slt directory/' after moving the existing bookmarks 
file for safe keeping if you want...

Max Bentz wrote:
> Is there any option to use one single bookmarks.html-file at a 
> multibootsystem (WIn98, Win200 and Linux) with the new Mozilla 0.9.7?
> My prefs.js line does not seem to work:
> user_pref("browser.bookmark_location", "C:\\bookmark.htm");
> How should I change it?
> Thanks
> Max

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