Steve Snyder wrote:
> The disk caching in Mozilla (at least in versions 0.9.2 - 0.9.7) is
> unreliable in my experience.
> On a Linux box (RedHat v7.2 /w 2.4.1x kernel) I download the SRPMS package
> from Mozilla's FTP site, then build and install the binaries.
> When I set a disk cache limit in Preferences I find that Moz slowly builds
> up that much data in the cache.  Then the amount of data in the cache
> plummets and never regains the amount of data specified for caching.  New
> objects are cached (you can tell by the timestamps on the cache objects)
> but the total amount of data never again exceeds ~4MB.
> If I go into Preferences and clear the disk cache, then erase the remaining
>  _CACHE_* files from the cache directory, then all is well - temporarily.
> The amount of data builds back up to the size I specified, then the problem
> repeats itself.  Once again the amount of data cached drops, never to
> regain the specified maximum.
> I've tried maximums of 16MB, 32MB and even 64MB.  Thinking the problem
> might be some sort of boundry condition, I've tried odd (non power of 2)
> maximums.  No difference in behavior.
> Has anyone else seen this?

I've not seen the size thing (never thought to look), but the cache is
known to serve up expired pages (CNN would give me week-old news until I
hit 'refresh').  Have you noticed anything like that?  The two could
conceivably be related I guess.

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