yatsu wrote:

> Georg Bremer wrote:
>> Hi
>> When Mozilla 1.0 is released will Netscape take the code into the
>> Navigator etc.? Is Netscape fixing the bugs that appear in Mozilla in
>> their 'own' browser too? Or get Netscape the fixes from Mozilla? Or in
>> which way are Mozilla and Netscape are working together?
>> Im asking because Netscape is beyond Mozillas development state. Maybe
>> Netscape just dont want to annoy ppl with weekly releases, Im not sure.
> Netscape and Mozilla use the same codebase. When Netscape feels it's
> time for a new release they make a copy of the codebase (a branch off the
> trunk) and continue developement on that branch until it's considered
> release ready. They release a new Netscape build and eventually discard
> the branch (often taking along bugfixes and applying them back to the
> branch) and continue developement on the trunk.
make that: (often taking along bugfixes and applying them back to the trunk)

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