
Now let's try it with a layer and see if it still works!

I get no errors from the concole and no output to the screen
in Mozilla, but again this is ok in Netscape 4.7x.

If I'm doing something stupid please point it out!


  <title>Layer Test</title>
  <script language="JavaScript1.2">

  docText = '';
  var CR = String.fromCharCode( 13 );
  var depth = 0;
  var docText = '<h1>Menu</h1>' + CR;

  function Node( name, data, url, pRef ) {

    this.name = name;
    this.data = data;
    this.url = url;
    this.pRef = pRef;
    this.kids = new Array();
    this.add = addKid;
    this.paint = paintNode;
    this.toggle = toggleNode;
    this.dump = dumpNode;


  function addKid( p, k ) {

    var subscripts = new Array();
    subscripts = p.split( ',' );
    pRef = 'menu';
    for ( var i in subscripts ) {
      if ( subscripts[ i ] !='' ) {
        pRef = pRef + '.kids[' + eval( subscripts[ i ] ) + ']';
    pRef = pRef + '.kids'; 
    kids = eval( pRef ); 
    var temp = new Array( ( kids.length + 1 ) ); 
    if ( kids.length > 0 ) {
      for ( var i in kids ) { 
        temp[ i ] = kids[ i ];
    temp[ kids.length ] = new Node( k, 1, k + '.html', pRef + '[' +
kids.length + ']' );
    eval( pRef + ' = temp' );
    eval( k + ' = kids.length' );


  function paintNode() {
    docText = docText + '<br>';
    if ( depth > 0 ) {
      for ( i = 0; i < depth; i++ ) {
        docText = docText + '&nbsp;&nbsp;';

    if ( this.kids.length != 0 ) {
      docText = docText +  '<a href="JavaScript:' + this.pRef +
'.toggle();rePaint();"><b>' + this.name + '</b></a>' + CR;
    } else {
      docText = docText +  '<a href="' + this.url + '">' + this.name +
'</a>' + CR;

    if ( this.data > 0 ) {
      depth = depth + 1;
      for ( i in this.kids ) {
        this.kids[ i ].paint();
      depth = depth - 1;

  function toggleNode() {
    this.data = ( ( this.data + 1 ) % 2 );

  function dumpNode() {
    alert( 'name: ' + this.name + ' data: ' + this.data + ' url: ' +
this.url + ' kids: ' + this.kids.length );
    for ( i in this.kids ) {
      this.kids[ i ].dump();

  // build the menu
  menu = new Node( 'root', 1 , 'root' );
  menu.add( '', 'Evaluation' );
  menu.add( 'Evaluation', 'History' );
  menu.add( 'Evaluation', 'Physical' );
  menu.add( 'Evaluation', 'Laboratory' );
  menu.add( 'Evaluation', 'Imaging' );
  menu.add( 'Evaluation,Imaging', 'Radiology' );
  menu.add( 'Evaluation,Imaging', 'Ultrasound' );
  menu.add( 'Evaluation,Imaging', 'CT' );
  menu.add( 'Evaluation,Imaging', 'MRI' );
  menu.add( 'Evaluation,Imaging', 'Angiography' );
  menu.add( '', "Therapy" ); 

  function rePaint() {

    docText = '';
    // paint the menu
    for ( i in menu.kids ) {
      menu.kids[ i ].paint();

    if ( navigator.appName == "Netscape" ) {
      // write the page to the frame
      with ( document.xmenu.document ) {
        open( "text/html", "replace" );
        writeln( docText );
    if ( navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" ) {
      xmenu.innerHTML = docText; 

 <body bgcolor=white onLoad="rePaint();">
  <script language="JavaScript1.2">

   if ( navigator.appName == "Netscape" ) {
     document.write( '<LAYER NAME="xmenu" LEFT=8 width=256
BGCOLOR=white></LAYER>' );

   if ( navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" ) {
     document.write( '<DIV ID="xmenu"></DIV>'); 


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