DeMoN LaG wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil Edwards) wrote in
> a3crbk$m8p$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:a3crbk$m8p$[EMAIL PROTECTED], on 31 Jan 2002:
> > Either submit a decent bugzilla report (one where you don't take
> > constant potshots at a project you claim to be helping to improve),
> > or help write code.  Bitching on newsgroups doesn't contribute a
> > fucking thing.
> >
> He'll tell you he got a context menu added to the plain text composer.

Yeah, like within a WEEK!  That's a few orders of magnitude faster than
ANYTHING that EVER got done on this project!

> Sure, he didn't write any code, he didn't file any bugs in bugzilla, he
> didn't give any suggestions, he just sat and complained and complained
> and said Mozilla sucks over and over.

I never said Mozilla sucks, 1337 d00d.  I said it was insane that it
didn't have a context menu.  And I said it loudly.  And magically things

>  No, the guy who filed the bug
> didn't help fix it,

Was a bug actually ever filed on that one?

> nor did the person who did all the coding.

What are you talking about?  I said "Jump", Blake said "How high?" 
That's teamwork.  No man is an island, not even me.

>  It was
> all JTK.

Right.  No leadership, no fixing.  Why is that so hard for you to
understand?  Would you stand at your register for six hours a day if
your boss wasn't going to be on your ass if you didn't?  Of course not.

>  Watch now, he's going to fix more things in it, all without
> ever touching a source file

Stragely enough, it looks like I've struck again while you were
loafing.  Have you used the newsreader to write a post recently?  It
appears that I finally got them to fix the "characters where there
should be no characters" problem that Mozilla has had (and Notepad
hasn't) forever.  We'll get that sucker up to Notepad's lofty standards
yet, I swear!

Watch for the following in the near future:

- layers support.
- Cache defects silently fixed.

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