On Sat, 02 Feb 2002 20:49:36 -0600, JTK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Mykel wrote:
>> JTK wrote:
>> > Randall Parker wrote:
>> >
>> >> I misread your subject title and thought it said B5 as in Babylon
>> >> 5.
>> >> Who cares about the fools that complain? My advice is tell all
>> >> your
>> >>
>> > ...soon-to-be former...
>> >
>> >> friends to use Mozilla, send them a link to a download page, and
>> >> doing
>> >> that will do more to help the situation than complaining about
>> >> foolish
>> >> commentators.
>> >>
>> Is that what happened to you? all your friends shunned you so you have
>> to harrass everyone in here to get attention? (S**T, that makes me a
>> hypocrite now)
>Ah, no.  If *I* had drooled to *my* friends and family how great
>Netscape 6 I mean Mozilla was knowing full well what an embarassing heap
>it is, there probably woulnd't be enough left of me to type anything at
>all, much less spearhead the "Mozilla Fiasco-Mitigation Initiative". 
>But hey, if you want to help Mozilla make even more enemies, knock
>yourself out.


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