Jonas Jørgensen wrote:

> The two worst bugs currently in Mozilla, IMHO, is 55583 (view-source
> should show original page source) and 46845 (Form elements don't reset
> upon reloading page). They both cause very annoying dataloss, and they
> are both futured... :-(
> After them, standards compliance bugs (layout/DOM) should be the number
> one priority, IMHO.

I believe in order to have a good Mozilla 1.0 release performance work 
should be of very low priority and more focus should be placed on bugs that 
hinder proper usage of Mozilla.

'proper usage' optimally being: 

1) no dataloss bugs
2) no crashes
3) UI polish
4) no unexpected behavior regarding interraction with mozilla

This, with documentation, frozen API's and the promised standards 
compliance is what the ideal, possible 1.0 release. All performance bugs 
should be re-evaluated and targetted to Mozilla 1.0+ to give developers 
more time to fix bugs that can not be permitted in 1.0

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