> that itself may be an issue.  google will detect the frequent changes to
> bugzilla's dynamic pages, and revisit them often.  having googling
> sucking down pretty much the entire contents of the bugzilla database at
> frequent intervals could well be a significant burden on the bugzilla
> server(s)...

You are talking about how you think Google works. Google doesn't do 
that. It will refetch more often the pages that it thinks are important 
according to its "page ranking", i.e.: a few. Besides, search engines 
who care enough to voluntarily skip sites who ask it politely, care also 
to space requests in order to not impact too much on the server load.

>>Again, this is not reinventing. Someone at mozilla.org has taken a small 
>>extra effort to prevent Google from indexing and providing an useful 
>>service to the community.
>>Anyway, what's wrong with having choices?
> nothing, as long as providing the choices isn't unnecessarily detrimental
> to something else...

But it isn't so! All the web is being indexed all the time, and I don't 
hear a lot of webmaster shouting that their servers are in flames. I 
think this is very much like FUD, with no factual backing.

> seems to me that improving the search tool bugzilla
> provides, and beefing up the database server so the queries happen
> faster, would be the ideal solution.

Both things aren't mutually exclusive. Each tool have pros and cons, but 
it wouldn't hurt to have both.

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