psmith wrote:

>    Mozilla cookie handling is too restrictive and annoying and would 
> be much better if it were operating the standard way that Netscape 4 
> and Internet Explorer do.  Anyone who has used Cookie Pal for example 
> knows how much smarter it can handle cookies.  I am seriously 
> considering permanently getting away from Mozilla and not looking back 
> because of this problem.  I would like to hear from others on what 
> they think about this "feature".  Of course, if AOL has anything to 
> say about it, which quite possibly they do, we won't see a change.
    You are absolutely right though you do seem to ramble on quite a bit 
without pointing out what we know is the obvious.  Anyone who's been 
around cookies at all has used cookie manager and we know that a good 
cookie manager should have a choice for each cookie as follows:  Always 
accept, Accept, Reject, Always reject  It should also  have a quick way 
to destroy all cookies that come from, say, so that you don't 
have to deal with every single permutation of on a case by case 
basis.  Finally, when it's the end of the day and you are tired of all 
the surfing, you might just want a way to turn off all NEW cookies, 
period.  That certainly doesn't mean that you want your browser 
rejecting all cookies that are even in the accept list.  Oh, one last 
thing...I would think that convention dictates being able to use Y or N 
to accept or reject cookies.
    In short, when I see that little cookie notice, I feel like the 
whole browser has locked up on me and is holding me hostage to a lame 
and stupid decision that doesn't want me going too far on my leash and 
my effort to remain private.

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