Netscape Basher wrote:
> Blake Ross typed:
>> "A browser shift by AOL is going to leave an awful lot of companies that 
>> assume their Web sites only need to work with Explorer scrambling to 
>> rewrite their code so that they don't lose AOL's 30 million-plus 
>> subscribers, or about 30% of all U.S. Internet users. "
>> --
> If this was a bonafide story, ALL the major Tech news organizations 
> would be bloating about it. Cheap stunt by a low-tier "news" organization.

What about the link in the other thread on the subject ("AOL to Dump IE 
in favor of Mozilla")?

> Pro-Linux = anti-Microsoft site.
> Dimissed as rumour.
> --
> Kyle

Software is like sex, it's better when it's free  - Linus Torvalds

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