Joao Rodrigues wrote:
> I was very happy to read that Mozilla 0.9.9 now supports True Type fonts as 
> well as anti-aliasing. I thought that, finally, I would see Mozilla render 
> fonts as elegantly as Konqueror.
> But, despite following the instructions carefully 
> ( was 
> unable to notice any improvement on how fonts look. I can see that some 
> True Type fonts are available in the Preferences:
>      microsoft-verdana-iso8859-1
>      microsoft-georgia-iso8859-1

I tried the 0.9.9 download for linux, and the debug option mentioned in 
the instructions clearly indicate that truetype support was not enabled 
in 0.9.9 for linux. Then I donwloaded the nightly from the same date 
(march 11th), which stated truetype fonts was supported.

It doesn't give too nice rendering yet though. I have been unable to get 
cleartype style subpixel antialiasing to work (will probably work with 
the Xft patch), and the fonts rendered by the freetype renderer looks 
much thicker than fonts rendered by the x font server (I use TT fonts 
from windows).


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