Andrea wrote:
 >     (_mm_)                                          (_mm_)
 >      (Oo)        ^     |         (    |              (--)
 > ~,-,_/(°°)      / \ n o| r e a    ) a | m a $ o     (°°)\_,-,~
 >  /      O          e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]           ~   WW \
 >  \   (  )                                            (  )   /
 >   |~| ||    Do NOT Reply!! Use the address above!     || |~|
 >    n n nn      O==m PGPkeyavailable ICQ5242052       nn n n

Hello, i want to make a page for latinmoz with this kind of drawings. If
there are more of this, from anyone and anykind, will be great if you
would send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your name and country.



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