ZZT wrote:
> mwolf wrote:
>> That's a problem of leveraging. The entities specified in key="..." 
>> are new in Mozilla 0.9.9;
> And why the official 0.9.9 release works without any problem?
>  > they are missing in the previous locale. You have
>> to write them into your dtd resp. properties files. The best way is to 
>> search in en-US locale files of Mozilla 9.9 to find the file where 
>> those keys are contained.
> dont know exactly what you mean, sorry
> bye

Sorry. I didn't see the + behind of 099. But, I had the same problem 
localizing the release 0.9.9 for Sorbian and the cause was that the 
keys, e.g "savePageCmd.commandkey" are missing in the .dtd  files. The 
original version and the localized version have to consist of the same 
keys. What language you localize for? Or dont't you localize?


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