Garth Wallace wrote:
> I had an idea for a feature for the tabbed browser: the titles of tabs 
> whose contents have not yet been viewed (that is, the page just loaded 
> and the tab is not active) should show up in bold, and those of tabs 
> whose contents have changed since being last viewed (that is, the tab 
> was active when the page was downloading, but was made inactive before 
> the page was fully downloaded) should be underlined. It would make it 
> easier to keep track of which tabs have been viewed.
> It would also be consistent with mailnews threading, where boldface 
> marks unread threads and underline marks threads containing read and 
> unread messages. The general rule would be: boldface means totally 
> new/unread, underline means partly read, plain means read.
> I'm going to submit it to bugzilla (unless someone convinces me that it 
> would be a horrible idea). But I'm curious...would this be considered 
> one bug or two? It seems like two, but both would be required for UI 
> consistency with mailnews.
> Thoughts?


Please consider the usability problems that already exist with Classic.
 Bolding to identify the active tab is the only cross-platform
suggestion that's been made so far.  Throwing a bunch of new styles in
will only compound the problem.  What are the chances something like you
suggest can be restricted to Modern?

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