Sören Kuklau wrote:
> On 3/24/2002 6:27 PM, Parish apparently wrote exactly the following:
>> OK, fellow Mozillians, what would it take to start a general purpose NG 
>> where nothing (legal) is OT?
> *cough* bug 127495 <http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=127495> 
> *cough*

Oh, right. I didn't realize that we used bugzilla for this. I'll get 
over there straight away, add my ¤0.02, and cast my vote.

Thanks for the pointer.

"I would rather gnaw my leg off, pack the bleeding stump with salt,
  and run in a circle on broken glass than have to deal with any
  Microsoft product on a regular basis."
        -- Dan Zimmerman,
              Vanderbilt University, when asked about Windows NT.

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