Jonathan Wilson wrote:
> Unlike the other suggestion of using the red dino head as a generic icon 
> (which has the problem mentioned in the appropriate bug where it cant be 
> checked into the tree without causing trademark/trade dress problems for 
> or whatever), these icons (except the dino head one) dont 
> appear to use anything thats (C) or TM Also, since these 
> are clearly created for mozilla specificly, one can assume (in absence 
> of any other licence text anywhere on any of the pages or in any of the 
> zips that goe with these icons or anything said by the creators of these 
> wonderfull icons) untill told otherwise by the creators of these icons 
> that they are happy for these icons to be used in mozilla and for them 
> to be checked into the tree to replace the existing icons (and therefore 
> be covered under the mozilla tripple licence setup).

The icons are released under a "I don't care unless you claim them as 
your own" liscense in which I don't care unless you claim them as your 
own or change them to something obscene and say they're mine. I'm sure 
some legal liscense covers this, but I have (perhaps unfounded) faith in 
the mozilla community that such a thing will never happen. I do not know 
about Giovanni, who came up with the design and made the navigator, 
composer, and mailnews icons (and has since made other icon designs 
which people like, though the set isn't as complete), but is 
perfectly free to stick the ones I made in (all the ones with a pic on 
the icons page).

> Here are the reasons I can think of that may be why they are not using 
> these:

> 3.there is a total artwork freeze in effect for some reason (if so, why)

I believe this is the case due to 6 and 8.

> 6.even though these icons are (as far as I can tell) not affected by the 
> copyright/trademark issues that the red dino idea is, and 
> the dev team still need to talk to the lawyers about it for some reason 
> (if so, why)
> 7.the icons cant go in untill bug 29856 has been fixed (something to do 
> with not being able to tell the difference programmaticly between 
> different windows under *nix) because this prevents using different 
> icons for the different windows under *nix)

I doubt this is the case, other stuff has been implemented for just 
windows (fullscreen, etc.) without great complaint it seems.

> 8.if these icons go into the tree then they will likely be associated 
> with "mozilla the browser" and "the mozilla project" and whatever (same 
> as how people will associate the netscape "N" or the IE "e" or the 
> little "windows thingo" that appears next to the start button or the 
> apple "apple with byte taken out" or whatever other icon with whatever 
> program it goes with). If checked into the tree now, they will go in 
> under the tripple license scheme. Therefore, these icons will be usable 
> under the terms of the GPL, LGPL or MPL. If this is possible, someone 
> will be able to use these icons for something totally unrelated to 
>, mozilla, the mozilla project etc. People that see this 
> unrelated thing could mistake it as being somehow related to mozilla 
> because its using icons legally taken from mozilla. Therefore, 
> regardless of what the creator of whatever icons eventually get used (be 
> they these ones or other ones) says, any icon(s) that get used for 
> mozilla thats intended to be a "permanent solution" must be checked in 
> under a license that prevents said icon(s) from being used for something 
> unrelated to mozilla.


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