Pratik wrote:
> On 03/26/2002 11:00 AM, Lee Dillion wrote:
>> The most recent builds (with the new mail notice popup) have resulted in my
>> entire screen going white when a new message is received.  I can get back to
>> my desktop only by terminating a file named "downloading altert.xul" and
>> mozilla.  I am running it on a Win98 laptop.
>> Anyone else seeing this?
> I saw this yesterday on Win2K. As far as I could tell it happened only 
> when new mail arrived with my screensaver running. If the screen saver 
> wasn't running I din't get teh white screen.

I saw it, W2K also, but it happened the *second* time it ran, the first 
time it worked properly.

Ironically I was browsing Bugzilla when the WSoD struck :-)

> Pratik.

"I would rather gnaw my leg off, pack the bleeding stump with salt,
  and run in a circle on broken glass than have to deal with any
  Microsoft product on a regular basis."
        -- Dan Zimmerman,
              Vanderbilt University, when asked about Windows NT.

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