    This is a known bug resulting from the Preferences API change that 
broke the "capability.polciy" mechanism. It will be fixed within a day 
or two.

Brandon Hume - BORG Redirect wrote:

> Mitchell Stoltz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> user_pref("","noAccess");
> This stuff USED to work for me, and it was beautiful.  I even expanded upon
> it with the following:
> user_pref("", "noAccess");
> user_pref("capability.policy.default.windowinternal.moveTo", "noAccess");
> user_pref("capability.policy.default.windowinternal.resizeTo", "noAccess");
> .... and suddenly the web became tolerable once more.  Now this stuff seems
> to have broken.  I put these rules in place because of
> (warning: extremely irritating site, though not in the denial-of-service type
> way) and I use that site as a test.  I've noticed that recently JavaScript
> capabilities in the latest nightlies on Solaris aren't protecting me anymore.
> Did I miss a change, or has something broken?

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