mstoltz asked that I bring this up in the newsgroup for opinions...

This is bug 159036

 > It has been discussed in numerous bugs (bug 126224, bug 132031 and
 > dups) that the method we use to determine "unrequested" windows is
 > not sufficient. (Sites can use onload event handlers in images for
 > example.)
 > This bug calls for the creation of a "Whitelist" of valid, requested
 > windows. Instead of devoting man-hours to constantly countering every
 > move a developer makes to get a pop-up, we simply enumerate what *is*
 > a valid window and keep our work to a minimum.
 > If done properly, this should not result in any significantly higher
 > number of false positives, and in fact may fix some of the issues at
 > hand currently like clicking a valid popup-creating link during the
 > page load which is caught as invalid.
 > While the actual complete whitelist should undergoe discussion, the
 > following is my list of "requested" windows:
 > 1. Opened from the interface (in new window, middle click, File >
 > New, Accel-N, etc.) -- these are already immune and don't need to be
 > worried about. 2. Opened via an onClick, onDblClick, onMouseDown,
 > onMouseUp, onKeyPress, onKeyDown, onKeyUp, onSubmit?(debatable). 3.
 > Opened via a javascript: URL of a clicked link. 4. Opened via a
 > function called from one of these functions. (anywhere down the line)
 > The onSubmit is not necessarily a user-activated event, but is often
 > used as such. (I would say onFocus too, but the idea of someone
 > *requesting* a popup window via tabbing into a field seems
 > far-fetched.) The problem is that a malicious web developer could
 > call a submit() routine on a form with no visible elements and no
 > href and effectively get around the popup blocking. (This is similar
 > to the case in bug 152007 -- there an onload calls a submit which
 > submits to a new 'target' thereby opening a new window... tricky and
 > evil.)
 > Rginda posed a question to this list in bug 126224 which I'll answer
 > here to keep the bugs on-topic.
 >>> what about |document.location = "javascript:void
 > I would posit that a javascript: url would only have the rights to
 > open a new window if originally activated via a user action (click,
 > keypress, etc.) If this line was present in a function which had been
 > called via a valid event handler (2) or a javascript: link (3) or a
 > function called from such (4) *then* it would be valid.
 > -----------------------
 > This will require being ale to determine what was the original cause
 > of the activation of a given javascript function. I am not enough of
 > a javascript guru to know whether this is possible without (as rginda
 > suggests) a flag which is kept through the life of the function (and
 > its children) which validates whether the calling method was on our
 > list.
 > The above method would really only work in
 > GlobalWindowImpl::HandleDOMEvent and therefore would need to be
 > worked out for javascript: URLs.
 > Thats it for now. Other issues which may need to be discused (so I
 > don't forget them down the road...) 1. A named target in a link or
 > form submission -- is it a request? (didn't we have a pref for this
 > at some point? Should it only be a request if called via a user
 > action (i.e. stopping bug 152007) 2. Accessibility people may need to
 > look at the list of event handlers. (I added keyboard handlers for
 > this reason, but there may be others I'm not considering. -- focus)

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