I was just looking at the known vulnerabilities page[1] to see what it 
had on it....  And the only thing it has is the XMLHttpRequest 
vulnerability that was such a big deal this past spring.  At the time, 
there were promises made to actually update this page with security 
vulnerabilities when those became known and whatnot....

Now I know for a fact that there have been security vulnerabilities 
identified and fixes since then.  Some of these have been publicly 
reported on BugTraq and the like.  So my question is, "Why are these 
security vulnerabilities not listed on the security vulnerabilities page?"

I feel that we are doing a grave disservice to our users, who may want 
to know if there is a security vulnerability in 1.1a, say, that is fixed 
in 1.1b.....

[1] http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/known-vulnerabilities.html

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