Hi! I'm developing an Internetbank solution for a Swedish bank and I
have big problems with our login process.

When you logon to the bank, you enter your socialnumber on an
unsecured page with two frames. This will open a secured popup where
you enter your personal pincode. If your logon success, a JavaScript
will redirect the main window to an secured page and close the popup.

The following code is used:
if(window.opener) window.opener.top.location = url;

This works fine with IE4+ and NS4.7+ except NS6 (it works with NS7).
In NS6 JavaScript Console I got following message "Error: uncaught
exception: Permission denied to get property Window.top".

What is the problem and how can I solve it?

I don't know if this is the right group, but it feels like an security
issue. Please redirect me to another group if this isn't right.

Thanks for help!

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