Using Mozilla release 1.4.

In the "Image Manager" dialog, there is apparently no way to enter the name of a site from which one would LIKE to allow images, although by right-clicking on an image in a web page, one may add a site from which one wants to block them.

In the help somewhere (I think -- darned if I can find it again), I saw a screen shot of the Image Manager containing a site which had the status, "site can load images", as opposed to what I see on my own system. How do I add one of these?

No matter which restrictive setting I use for Image acceptance policy, "Do not load any images" or "Accept images from the originating server only", I do not see the option to "allow images from this server" in the popup menu when right-clicking an image on a page.

Where are the listed servers kept (i.e., what file)?

ALSO: Would it be possible to add "Accept images from the originating domain only"? This would allow to display images from its server, no matter which site one were viewing.

Another possibility for the "accept images from the originating site only" might be to have a list of allowed servers for images associated with a list of related web page servers. In other words, for all the servers in list A, allow images from the originating server and from any of the servers in list B. Naah, too compilcated. How about simply allowing a group of related servers, i.e., ONE list, where any of the other servers in the list would be allowed to display images from any of the others?

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