You will get more help on Netscape user support newsgroups (try
snews://, this group is for discussion of Mozilla
security issues.

Sounds like you could do that with two profiles, adding "-P <profilename>"
arguments to the command line. That trivially solves a and c, though if you
launch the second while the first is running you will actually get another
window of the first.

b could probably be solved by accepting cookies for the current session only
(if that's an option in Netscape; it is in Mozilla) and set history to
remember for 0 days. That won't auto-clear the cache though... if you're
really privacy paranoid you probably have to do some programming or
scripting (perl or some such) on your own to do the cleanup after the
program exits.

-Dan Veditz

Tommy Knight wrote:

> Can anyone help me with this?
>   a.. I need to set up Netscape so that I can have 2 separate icons on my 
> desktop.
>     a.. 1st icon goes to SERVER1 and out to the internet
>       a.. Settings for this server need to be erased before launching the 
> 2nd icon.
>       b.. Cookies and history need to be deleted.
>       c.. Titlebar & HomePage need to be different than setup for #2.
>     b.. 2nd icon goes to SERVER2 and goes out to the internet
>       a.. Settings for this server need to be erased before launching the 
> 1st icon.
>       b.. Cookies and history need to be deleted.
>       c.. Titlebar & HomePage need to be different than setup for #1.
> Any ideas? 
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