Ian G wrote:

It is slightly unfortunate that the domain name is shown
in a sans-serif typeface where the lowercase "l" is indistinguishable
from an uppercase "I", though this isn't an issue if the user trusts
that domain names are always shown in lowercase.

IMO, we should always show domain names in lowercase.

I agree.

The potential issue is that one can spoof "interbank.com" by registering
"lnterbank.com". A user expecting to go to Interbank might glance at the
status bar and see what appears to be "Interbank.com".

It occurred to me that what may be required is a special font designed to show a 'visual distance' between all the characters. There may be a font that has this characteristic, or it may be that it represents an interesting design exercise for font, security, and language specialists...


the older font, like ocr, and those designed for console are different in those characters.

this ( html formatted for font control ) is lucida console. I like it's clarity over a number of other fonts.
( have 2000 on my system )

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