Christopher Jahn wrote:

CarlosRivera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

I have heard that web sites are using screen size (width, height) and depth to help track one. For example, they could make a fairly reasonable guess that somebody with screen information of 640x480x256
or 1920x1280x32 is in a certain income category. They can also store
this information and your IP subnet and track one. I consider that my
screen size and depth should be private. Is there a way to set these
sorts of properties for javascript to my choosing?

Where did you hear this?  This is a new one to me.

Javascript isn't used to determine screen size, and AFAIK the web page and its server simply dish up HTML - your browser determines how to fit it to your screen.

it's not javascript, but your browser does send this data to the webserver.
actually, it's more than just that.
browser version, cpu make / speed, os, monitor resolution, colour depth, country, language, charset. all sent by the browser to the webserver.


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