Frank Hecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Doug Wright wrote:
>> Gerv suggested I post this here for discussion - copied from bug 288693
>>> In Opera, the message must be OKed/cancelled *before the site is even
>>>  rendered*

>>> My personal preference would be a dialog with a delayed OK button 
>>> (like XPInstall) to force people to read it.

>This raises the question that we've previously debated on this group: If 
>popping up a warning dialog the right thing to do, or does that just 
>encourage users to blindly click "OK"? Is a better alternative to just 
>display the page without the SSL lock icon, with an accompanying 
>information message? And so on... I don't make any claim to knowing what 
>the absolute right thing to do is.

I think the intent isn't so much to warn the users (they'll click OK
eventually) but to annoy them sufficiently that they bug the site owners to
upgrade their crypto.  You don't really need the click-OK, just play a wav of
a mosquito while they view the page and render the entire thing in <blink> and
you'll get the desired effect.


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