[long post]

I've been trying to progress bug 273419 (disclosure
of local files) and bug 230606 (same origin for local files).
Some notes.

Where I'm coming from:

Firefox's "smooth user experience" makes Fx a popular
product for end users. A similarly smooth experience will
help make moz/xulrunner/Fx a popular product for app
developers. Developers, however, use local disk a lot
and that puts them at odds with some security goals. In
particular, they want to "do whatever they want" without
annoying warnings or restrictions, whereas users depend
on warnings and restrictions for safety. There has to
be a clever solution somewhere that keeps both parties

In these two bugs, the fundamental architectural
problems are:

a) no reasonable same-origin policy for local files.
b) intrinsic security problems across borders.

I outline a possible option for a) and cover briefly a
few tactics commonly used for b). First b).

Inside Mozilla, where "inside" is defined as "how the
runtime engine perceives the universe" content sits
inside a security model that is reasonably restrictive.

Developers, and those maintaining HTML content on local
disk operate in a separate secure environment. A
particularly nice attribute of the filesystem security
environment is that you can alter any file that is
owned by your user.

I'm suggesting that these two security models have equal
status in terms of use. Neither is subordinate.

When files pass across the security boundary, both sides
need to ensure that they are not compromised during the
exchange; the only way to do that is to check the
credentials of the information that's in transit, or
for the two sides to have a "handshake" agrement separate
to the file content. There's no handshake protocol support
in most common filesystems.

If the credentials check fails, the content in transit is
suspect. If the security checks pass, the content in
transit passes through without incident.

The case of mozilla->local disk (saving pages) is easy;
weaker security on local disk means that the filesystem
need perform no checks other than folder permissions
(cannot write) and reporting denial-of-service
attacks (write failed: disk full). That's all in place.

The case of local disk->mozilla is harder. Somehow, any
file raised from local disk into the mozilla environment
must present credentials sufficient to persuade Mozilla
that Mozilla's security model is not compromised. The question
is: what are sufficient credentials, and where do they
come from?

The current arrangement is that the credential test
disk->mozilla is weak - in fact virtually nonexistent.

Here is a rundown of some of the credential test
solutions that are available.

1) Move the border

In this radical solution, Mozilla's security borders are
extended to include some portion of the local file
system. Files that lie within that new circle of
trust are automatically trusted without additional

This kind of thing can be achieved by layering mozilla
security on top of the local file system, either
actually or virtually.

In my view this is highly problematic, because you end up
taking on all the problems of operating systems. In the
limit you force the user to allocate a raw partition to
mozilla for local file storage, or something equally stupid.
Mozilla is not a database or a filesystem per se. This doesn't
help developers either - the OS filesystem is a useful tool
in its own right and Mozilla should integrate with it, not
try to overcome it.

2) maintain a whitelist

In this solution, which is analogous to nightclub membership,
only those files known to Mozilla are admitted from disk
to mozilla's secure environment. If users save files to disk
then those files can be reloaded anytime, based on a URL
check against some small database maintained by Mozilla.
If the file's not found then the user gets a prompt. The
problem with this system is that it's bureaucratic and
high-maintenance. If the maintenence problem is automated
away, then its value as a solution is reduced.

3) manufacture trusted credentials.

One of the proposed solutions for this problem, that of
marking the web page with meta-data, is a weak form of this
stronger solution. When the page is emitted to local disk,
an encrypted string is also emitted, either as a separate file
or inline. When the file is loaded again, the string is
checked against a private key or similar, and the
file allowed if there is a match. Since the encryption
is generated inside the secure mozilla environment, and
survives export and import to local disk, it is trustworthy.
This is the same argument that national mints use: a dollar
note contains extensive credentials from the government
(a "trusted" environment) that says that it is authentic, no
matter what untrustworthy person offers it. The note's
intrinsic value is preserved when it is exported to
an insecure environment (an economy).

The problem with this approach is that it doesn't help
developers at all; and also every Mozilla install becomes
a mint. That creates a problem where each download of
Fx (eg) must be accompanied by a unique private key or
a private key generator. It's debateable whether each mozilla
runtime should be uniquely identified like that; that's
possibly a privacy risk for consumers.

Also, I've said elsewhere that this kind of thing is an attack
on the web itself. Files saved in Word or vi or PDF don't require
extra security in order to be useable - why should web pages?
Microsoft's "Mark of the web" solution is very distasteful
in this respect. It's anti-Web. If the web is a shared
commons, then files on the web shouldn't have to wear

4) proposed solution - best effort with fallback.

As roc points out, all options except robust versions of 3. can
be undone by local disk manipulation via the desktop.

In such an environment everything is up for grabs, but
I suggest that we can perform quite well just by applying
"best effort" checks. In a banking environment (for example)
best effort identity checks are used over the counter
and over the phone all the time. Using "best effort" we
can reduce the impact of implementing robust security by
finding many cases where the page can "pass though" and be
displayed without annoying the user or developer.

Without modification, a saved web page contains quite a lot of
information. I propose that mozilla use this information to
make a best effort attempt at assessing credentials when
pages transit across security models from the local disk->mozilla.

There are many pieces of information that can be inputs to
a "best effort" policy for a given local HTML file.

i)   file: URL
ii)  filepath
iii) filesystem attributes: datestamps, ownership
iv)  content

From this information can be extracted a number of tests
that can be used to PASS the file for local display without
user security warnings. If no PASS is derived, then the user is
prompted with a robust security warning. That warning is
based on the assumption that all local files are unsafe
to load.

This is the inverse of the information bar where users are
protected from miscellaneous attacks by default, with
the user white-listing in as they go. Here, users are
also protected from miscellaneous attacks by default, but
specific exceptions are whitelisted in by design.

Here are some of the checks that can make
the display of web pages accessed by the file: protocol
seamless and smooth without compromising security.

iv) content. If the page contains no JS, PASS.

i) URL. If, according to a small database maintained by
   Mozilla, this file: URL matches no http: URL ever
   saved to disk, then PASS. (file created by a developer
   or deliberately copied to the filesystem by the user)

ii) filepath. If the stem of the filepath fails to match
    a filepath ever used before, then FAIL. (no precedent
    for loading files from this part of the filesystem).

iii) datestamp. If this file hasn't been touched in a month,
    then it's unlikely to be a phishing or social engineering
    attack. PASS.

iv) "Mark of the web". If the content contains this MS
    feature, then FAIL. It could have been auto-generated
    by an IDE, and will probably be discredited as a
    security measure any day.

Some of these could be used in combination, for example,
the 2nd and 4th option can be used exclude all possible
phishing attacks along the lines of bug 273419.

I'm sure there are other tests that might be useful. By
putting these tests in the right order, we maximise the
number of cases where the page can be displayed.

For example, separately I suggested that for one specific
case (form submission + recent modification + never downloaded)
a "local submit" feature might also increase the utility
of mozilla for developers. That kind of nice-to-have feature
can certainly be constrained or exposed by a set of best
effort tests like this.

Looking at my own disk, I'm a fairly heavy user of the Web;
I have 1,708 web pages saved to local disk, not including
fileserver content.  Even so, that's not many.  Mozilla can
easily manage a small database about what I've downloaded,
and that info can assist the best effort analysis, as in
the 2nd and 3rd cases above. For non technical users, that
small database would save their lives many times over.

As far as I can tell, there's no way out of requesting
credentials from the file to be displayed. At least this
way, we work hard to reduce the number of times that those
credentials have to be supplied by the user in response to
a prompt. Underneath all that, we have a robust default to
fall back on: always prompt.

- Nigel.

ps. Each of these tests is effectively a deduced capability.
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