For those of you
trying to make sense of where all this is coming from,
here is an article from HP Labs which touches on the
foundation behind the petnames toolbar, which is just
one of the proposed anti-phishing tools for Mozilla.

Ping and Tyler work on one of the most advanced
usability / security projects on the planet.  Their
day job is to take Windows programs and make them
safe.  They've done that and demo'd it, at least in
research conditions, I've not myself seen the demo,
but it has opened the eyes of those who have.

This experience - and the help of all the team and
indeed the entire capabilities community - went into
the petnames toolbar.  This all occurred over on the
caps forums before it got to mozilla, so it's already
been through a trial-by-fire by about a dozen of the
most advanced and skeptical security thinkers out

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