Frank Hecker wrote:
First, I won't be allowing HTML tags in submitted comments. My plan was to simply use the Perl CGI::EscapeHTML function (Blosxom is written in Perl) to convert '<', '>', double quote, and 0x8b and 0x9b to the corresponding HTML character entities prior to the submitted comment being saved and displayed. Is this sufficient, or should I be escaping other characters as well?

That is sufficient.

Second, and more important (because I'm still unclear on this): I'll be accepting URLs submitted with comments (as part of a email/URL text field), and I obviously need to do something with them to avoid XSS problems. The question is, what? I've gotten the impression that url encoding characters like '<' that might appear in submitted URLs is not a total solution, and that retaining characters like '<' in the URL, even in encoded form, could be a problem.

In encoded form, they should be safe.

In fact, assuming that your HTML delimits the href="" with double quotes, you can simply escape double quotes to %XX and that _should_ be sufficient.

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