It's right that Xing is incredibly fast. It uses a lot of MMX asm, but this
can't explain the speed difference.
Their encoding is also less acurate than Lame or FhG for the same bitrate.
I noticed that using lame -b 32 -V 0, ie using the best quality possible
with Lame, lame files are always smaller than Xing ones with best settings.
It just means that Xing is less acurate than Lame

Gabriel Bouvigne - France
icq: 12138873

MP3' Tech:

----- Message d'origine -----
Envoyé : dimanche 6 juin 1999 14:55
Objet : [MP3 ENCODER] xing timings...impressive

> Hi all,
>         Just did a whole batch of timings and stuff. xing is pretty darn
> probably a lot of coded asm?
>         Also included is a runtime profile of LAME (default options), just
>  Anyone know anything about x86 asm?  Quantize is a reasonably "simple"
> function that could probably benefit from a nice pure asm
> core. It won't be other-architecture friendly but it'd help a lot of x86
> people. :)
>         Has anyone else read "a high performance software implementation
> mpeg audio encoder" by Kumar and Zubair? A few ideas in there that I once
> to implement (and failed completely :).  And did anyone ever find their
> follow-up paper where they were going to discuss how they got a 5fold
> in psychoacoustic model performance?
> later
> mike
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Artist: My Friend the Chocolate Cake
> Song: Dance (you stupid monster to my soft song)
> Time: 2:35 (155seconds)
> Type: 44.1 kHz 16bit Wav ripped with cdparanoia.
> Size: 27541964
> Style: acoustic - cello, piano.
> CPU: p166/mmx
> Encoder: xing linux
> settings        time    size    av.kbps
> default(128/js) 105     2496888 128
> 128/js/16khz    100
> 128 stereo      100
> 128 dualstereo  82
> 128 mono        48
> vbr 0           85      1354096 70
> vbr 1           86      1354096 70
> vbr 30          96      1587707 82
> vbr 50          98      1937609 100
> vbr 100         98      2813604 145
> vbr 150         98      3783694 195
> Encoder: lame3.11
> settings        time    size    av.kbps
> default(128/js) 477
> js 128,fast     199
> force 128       372
> fast,force,128  185
> V 9, 112        471     2225321 114
> V 4, 112        691     2537043 131
> V 1, 112        1031    3168955 163
> -------------------------------------------------
> Flat profile:
> Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
>   %   cumulative   self              self     total
>  time   seconds   seconds    calls  ms/call  ms/call  name
>  28.10    131.93   131.93   819321     0.16     0.16  quantize
>  14.31    199.10    67.17   181120     0.37     0.37  calc_noise2
>   8.19    237.54    38.44    11955     3.22     7.21  L3psycho_anal
>   7.39    272.24    34.70  5179917     0.01     0.01  count_bit
>   5.26    296.93    24.69    95640     0.26     0.26  fht
>   5.24    321.53    24.60   819321     0.03     0.08  count_bits
>   5.06    345.31    23.78   430344     0.06     0.06  window_subband
>   3.10    359.87    14.56   430344     0.03     0.03  IDCT32
>   2.56    371.90    12.03     5977     2.01    50.61  iteration_loop
>   2.41    383.20    11.30    11954     0.95    24.20  outer_loop
>   2.40    394.48    11.28   765056     0.01     0.01  mdct
>   2.17    404.68    10.20    23910     0.43     1.74  L3psycho_energy
>   1.85    413.38     8.70   430344     0.02     0.05  filter_subband
>   1.66    421.17     7.79  2425261     0.00     0.02  new_choose_table
>   1.24    426.98     5.81    95640     0.06     0.32  fft
>   1.20    432.61     5.63     5977     0.94     2.83  mdct_sub
>   1.10    437.77     5.16   188915     0.03     0.03  amp_scalefac_bands2
>   0.77    441.37     3.60    23910     0.15     0.15  sprdngf1
>   0.59    444.15     2.78  8370932     0.00     0.00  BF_addEntry
>   0.58    446.85     2.70  5778862     0.00     0.00  putbits
>   0.53    449.33     2.48    23910     0.10     0.10  sprdngf2
>   0.44    451.39     2.06    21557     0.10     0.10  calc_noise1
>   0.40    453.28     1.89  2811077     0.00     0.00  HuffmanCode
>   0.36    454.99     1.71     5977     0.29    78.56  makeframe
>   0.36    456.69     1.70    23908     0.07     0.28  Huffmancodebits
>   0.32    458.17     1.48  5326387     0.00     0.00  WriteMainDataBits
>   0.31    459.62     1.45   372197     0.00     0.00  preemphasis2
>   0.26    460.85     1.23     5978     0.21     0.21  get_audio
>   0.23    461.94     1.09    23908     0.05     0.05  calc_xmin
>   0.22    462.96     1.02    11955     0.09     0.09  fft_side
> <snipped everything below 1second. total runtime 469.55>
>  %         the percentage of the total running time of the
> time       program used by this function.
> cumulative a running sum of the number of seconds accounted
>  seconds   for by this function and those listed above it.
>  self      the number of seconds accounted for by this
> seconds    function alone.  This is the major sort for this
>            listing.
> calls      the number of times this function was invoked, if
>            this function is profiled, else blank.
>  self      the average number of milliseconds spent in this
> ms/call    function per call, if this function is profiled,
>            else blank.
>  total     the average number of milliseconds spent in this
> ms/call    function and its descendents per call, if this
>            function is profiled, else blank.
> name       the name of the function.  This is the minor sort
>            for this listing. The index shows the location of
>            the function in the gprof listing. If the index is
>            in parenthesis it shows where it would appear in
>            the gprof listing if it were to be printed.
> --
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