I tracked down a couple of problems with .wav files today:  

1. click in first frame:  This happens when using the built in
.wav support (not libsndfile).  Most .wav files are okay, but some
(in particular, those from http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/~bosse/)
have a header which longer than the usual 44 bytes and LAME cant handle this.
sox and libsndfile have no problem.  Not fixed.  

2. click in the last frame:

I could only get this to happen when using libsndfile, and it was just
a buffering problem as Mike suspected.  Should be fixed in 3.16beta.

3. click on the last frame:

One .wav file I have has a tag (like id3) at the end of the .wav
file.  This will also produce a click. (not fixed) 

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