On Fri, 3 Sep 1999, Greg Maxwell wrote:

> I found a setting I like, and it sounds MUCH better then -X3 and produces
> results I feel are better then -X0. I did my testing at 160Kbit/s
> but the problem shows at any bitrate. I also only tested with a few pieces
> and only over small portions, because it's hard to compair when you are
> eyeballing between two windows a granule at a time. :)
I will add your -X4 and put out a new relase soon.  I wanted to do this
today but spent all my time working on that ATH stuff.

> I'd like some feedback on how 'bad' it is to exceede the percept model, I
> try to avoid it, but I'm not sure I work hard enough. I.e. will .25db over
> be very like audible while -.25db wont? What kind of error threshold are
> we looking at? 
no one really knows!  but the psy-model should be taken only as a
guide.  As you've seen, always keeping the noise under the 
masking can still lead to bad distortion.  

The dynamic range of a CD is 96db, so fractions of a db
in max_noise should be considered small.  In the other *_noise variables,
since they are averages over all bands, a fraction of a db is a little
more meaningfull.


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