It's a part of preemphasis() (loop.c)

>     if ( gr == 1 )
>     {
>       /*
>         If the second granule is being coded and scfsi is active in
>         at least one scfsi_band, the preemphasis in the second granule
>         is set equal to the setting in the first granule
>       */
>       for ( scfsi_band = 0; scfsi_band < 4; scfsi_band++ )
>           if ( l3_side->scfsi[ch][scfsi_band] )
>           {
>               cod_info->preflag = l3_side->gr[0].ch[ch].tt.preflag;
>               return 0;
>           }
>     }

It seems to me that we have to emphasise spectrum of that second 
granule here before "return 0" in the case when preflag is set for the 
first granule, and then return 1. I.e. to do the same as under
"if (over == 4 )" condition (see preemphasis() below).
Otherwise it will be decoded the wrong way - HF will be too loud.
Is it right?


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