> Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 00:00:24 +0100 (MET)
> From: "Pierre Darbon et Hurgon J.Sebastien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Finally, does it mean that theses AAC optimizations will always make
> improvements in quality when encoding to the 128 kbits "standard" ? 

The main reason the AAC optimizations changed the VBR results is that
the AAC spreading function has effectively less masking than the mp3
spreading function.  Less masking means it takes more bits to encode
so that the noise is less than the masking.

At fixed bitrates, where most frames cannot be encoded so that the
noise is less than the masking, it is hard to say if the AAC stuff
will improve things.  A better masking function should allow for
better noise shaping, but in my tests I couldn't here much difference
between the two spreading functions at 128kbs.  


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