Hi all,

I'm following this list for some time with great interest and I think you are
doing a great job. As I don't know anything of sound compression theory, my view
on LAME is kind of "endusers" view.

I am a bit concerned that usability is difficult due to automated settings of
features in different modes (using filters in low quality or not?).

I would suggest the following:

Automated settings on flags like -V6 (filters etc.) are OK as it speeds up
handling for users who don't read lots of dokumentation. Additional flags -h -l
add "high quality" with loss of speed or "high speed" with loss of quality.
This is implemented as I think from reading this list.

Separate CMDline parameters for all other settings, modifying only the parameter
named. This is for the ones who read dokumentation.

MOST IMPORTANT: -p (or appropriate for parameter) should give a list containing
_ALL_ parameters affecting compression with their values (name of the flag to
modify them and range would be nice too) for the actual compression (maybe in a
table). I really like to know if any filter is applied to my compression or not.
Even if I don't understand _all_ those parameters ... I don't like black boxes.

Keep coding, Thomas.

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