----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Olufsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 7:31 PM
Subject: Sv: [MP3 ENCODER] VBR-speed

>I thought it was added to CVS but Takehiro has only added it to his
>snapshot version.  The source is downloadable if you can compile it
>yourself.  It may need some work before it is released in LAME.
>3.61 is certainly a lot slower with -h.  The Win32 version on my AMD
>K6-2 428 (-V4 -h -k) encodes at about 0.3x.  However, I'm not
>complaining if the sound quality is better.  The next release may have
>the -hx quality selection where you can choose your own quality/speed

With the fixed 3.61 EXE (thanks Dmitry!) the speed only a few % slower than
with 3.60, i can encode VBR with 0.9x to 1.3x.

I agree, the sound quality is the most important, but if you can get speed
as well it's even better!


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