On Tue, 18 Jan 2000, Paul F. Johnson wrote:

I am currently using 0.59-q. No problems so far, apart from some unaligned
traps when using the -z or -Z params. I haven't played with 0.59-r at all,
since it seg-faulted the first time I had ever tried it (machine is an Alpha 

>struct timeval tv
Defined at <bits/time.h>, included by <sys/time.h>. 

>fd_set fds
Defined at <sys/select.h>, included by <sys/types.h>

Look for the above include files.

Hope i helped ya.


 Ntarmos Nikolaos.                 
 Information Systems Center.       
 Technical University of Crete.    
 e-mail:   darmnik @ isc.tuc.gr    
         ccompiler @ yahoo.com     

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