> Is 160 really high enough to warrant not using joint stereo anymore? I always
> encode with LAME 160 joint stereo, but maybe I should convert :)

Good question, i'd like to know it
anyway i have no idea bout which setting use EAC with DLL, i should ask
to the programmer :/
> I agree in that encoding in CBR opposed to VBR gives me a feeling of being
> more safe :)
Me too, i feel safer but VBR hs somethin  fascinating, maybe we have to wait
some times to have a wondering VBR. Probably I've already told it, 
IMHO VariableBR is the future of audio encoding (what a prophecy =)))

      Cavallo de Cavallis  
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"Knowledge chases me, but i'm faster"
"La Sapienza mi insegue, ma io sono piu' veloce"
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