I don't think this is related to LAME is it?

David Balazic wrote:

> And while you're on it , how about writing a driver ( for windows ) for
> the SoundBlaster 64 PCI ( aka Ensoniq AudioPCI ) that allows you to
> actually
> use all four channels ( like with linux ) ?
> I'm sure there is a demand for it , because the most asked questions for
> the DJ programs (*) is "Can I use one output of my 4-channel sound card
> for playing and the other for pre-listening ?" the answer is "NO",
> becasue of crap drivers.
> * - programs used to play music at parties or in disco.
> They manage a playlist and offer the possibility to listen
> to new songs on headphones, while the old one is playing ( there is
> music playing
> all the time ) on the main speakers. They also allow for beat matching
> etc...
> They require two sound card to operate correctly , because no driver on
> windows
> supports use of 4 channels ( in 2-and-2 configuration , not the 3D thing
> )
> David Balazic

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