Oh, okay... Looks like I got in over my head... Hmm, recording a CD thru the line-in 
seems to work fine for me... Oh well :-\

About the EQing, I think Greg misunderstood me... I use the EQ in the CD ripping 
process, not in the MP3 decoding process. I use Winamp to play MP3s, & I leave its EQ 
flat, though sometimes I'll drop it a couple of dB at 630Hz & 1kHz, or drop it at 60Hz 
when I play it through my parents' stereo.
If I'm wrong, & given that using an EQ plugged into both the CD player & the line-in 
is "bad", how else are you supposed to "EQ-to-taste" from a CD recording? (i.e. EQing 
during ripping)

Guess I have a lot to learn. I'm probably halfway between you guys & the average joe 

If I ever came across the person who decided 44100Hz was the best sampling rate, I'd 
shoot them.


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