Dan Bridges wrote:
> Just been playing around with TalkSender (www.talksender.com). It's
> a free small win9x prog (Mac in beta) that records an audio and/or
> text message and sends it via the internet. It produces a compressed
> wav file with a max. duration of 60 secs.  When I tried it, it
> produced a 97 KB WAV attachment with a sampling rate of 8 KHz and a
> bit rate of 13 Kbps. It was attached to a HTML message with an
> animated graphic with any text component that I'd included.
> Questions:
> 1. How common is the capability of playing compressed wave file?

It depends on the format. The WAV file format supports more than
30 sub formats. Few of these are playable on any platform other
than windows.

> 2. I'd like to play around with LAME creating some and try some
> different rates.  How do I create a compressed wave?

LAME does not support this. LAME is (not??) an MP3 encoder. 

> 3.  If it's in MPEG level 2.5 format internally I presume the
> receiver would need an appropriate codec to play it?

That's right.

     Erik de Castro Lopo     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"I once worked for a company where as part of the BS5750 "Quality"
process I attended a meeting where I was informed that it was Company
Policy not to use free software. When I asked him for his written
authorisation for me to remove X Windows from our Sun workstations,
he backtracked."   -- Phil Hunt
MP3 ENCODER mailing list ( http://geek.rcc.se/mp3encoder/ )

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