Yes, that post was interesting enough. I started working on it right after I got

I took a stereo wave file [a difficult one, which has frequencies just *jumping*
around 20Khz!]. opened it with CoolEdit, deleted one channel and pasted the
other channel over it. So, the two channels were 100% indentical. I encoded it
with BladeEnc, Xing, LAME Encoder 3.70 and MP3Enc. All encoder but BladeEnc,
processed the two channels almost identically. However, on true stereo mode LAME
did encode the two channels *slightly* differently. The difference is VERY
subtle. Blade did a horrible job. The stereo channels were quite different and
produced muffled sound in both channels. That seems like the worst encoder
anyway. But in true stereo mode, should not be the both channel 100% identical,
where the source is so?

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