At 09:24 28/05/00 +0200, you wrote:

>Normalization consists of determining the output leven of the audio data,
>and then multiplying the audiodata with a certain factor so that the highest
>value becomes 95 or 99% of the absolute maximum (plus or minus 32768).
>The trick is twofold: First of all, determining the output level is not that
>obvious. Many programs just count the highest peak in the data, but one peak
>can thus influence the rest of the data considerably. Other programs
>calculate the maximum and the desired level with more sophisticated
>algorithms (root mean squared, which aproaches the human hearing better than
>a peak scan)
>You could consider an adaptive algorithm, which would divide the data in
>blocks, determine the highest peak in each block, and would then use a
>gradually sliding factor to multiply the samples with.


Yes, but if you use RMS you must need compression to avoid clips, and 
compression means a reduction in the dynamic range, and less dynamic range 
reduces the "quality" but it sounds stronger. Recent CDs are RMS normalized 
(Usually around -8 db) and they sound really horrible (IMO). I think that 
MP3 coding for a -8 db RMSed song need more bits and is more difficult to 
detected masked freqs. Am I wrong ?

I think that kind of normalization should be done in the decompression 
process (it means information destruction) like a radio station compressor 

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