Hello everyone,

  I'm the author of RazorBlade, which is a Windows front-end for BladeEnc.
  After numerous requests I finally found some time to do the same for

  You can find a first beta of RazorLame at

  Please, don't publish the link on the web for now as that
  archive contains just the executable, no documentation or help
  whatsoever, but I wanted to release it so I could get some input on
  it quite early. So go on, test it and tell me what you think, what
  you think is missing, and any bugs you find.

  Whenever I find some more time I'll write a short doc and a simple
  web site on which I'll release my Delphi 5 code as well.

  BTW: would it be okay to "quote" from the HTML manual and the usage

  Holger Dors                           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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