I searched the archives and I don't think this has been mentioned before.
I downloaded mp3encdemo31 [0] onto two 450Mhz pIII computers with
identical hardware, one running NT4, one running red hat linux 6.0.

The NT version seems about twice as fast, and they output different mp3s
even if the quality setting is specified.  But you'd think they were the
same as they both output the same version info:

 ********* MPEG Layer-3 Encoder V3.1 Demo (build Sep 23 1998) *************

Anyone else notice this?  Anyone know why they're different, or which
one's better?  (I didn't hear the difference w/ castanets.wav at 24 or

To give an idea of the differences, with command-line options: -qual 0 -if
castanets.wav -of somefilename.mp3:
   6.7 seconds to encode on linux VS 3.5 seconds to encode on WinNT
   both files are 106997 bytes
   "cmp -l *.mp3 | wc -l" shows 66619 bytes differ (62%)
   Winamp shows the same info for both: mpeg 1.0 layer 3, 128kbit 
    256 frames, 44100hz Joint Stereo, No Emphasis, etc


[0] http://www.iis.fhg.de/amm/download/index.html#2

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