>This is a bug in the tables - that first line should be a 0 3
>instead of 0 2.  I have just fixed this, but it should have very
>little effect on the output.  

Ok, nice that we found that one then. ;))

>And I dont think this could cause any crashes though.  Can you
>try adding a check in that loop to make sure
>b < gfc->npart_s
>Sounds to me like the bo_s[] array is probably getting corrupted
>somewhere else?

Sadly, I think this is an optimizer bug actually, if I add somthing like

        if (b>=CBANDS) printf("%d\n",b);

in that loop, everything works just fine. :P

Now this is really sad since the SAS/C compiler is no longer maintained. :/

..but didn't someone else (Kimmo Mustonen?) say that he tried with gcc, and
that that gave the same problems?!


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