Hi Mark,

MT> Decoding is different. Given a valid mp3 file,
MT> all decoders should produce identical results
MT> to within rounding errors.

Well, how come all decoders produce different
results ??? For example, here are the results
(just length-wise) of decoding castanets.mp3,
encoded by lame at 256 CBR, S, HQ:

Original:          00:06.634 (292,570)
aE4:               00:06.545 (288,640)
SCMPX:             00:06.661 (293,760)
Nitrane:           00:06.661 (293,760)
Lame --decode:     00:06.636 (292,656)
Fhg (VBR CE v1.1): 00:06.661 (293,760)
SoundForge (Fhg?): 00:06.635 (292,608)
im_mpg123.dll:     00:06.661 (293,760)

In parentheses - number of samples. Kinda
interesting, that SCMPX, Nitrane and Naoki's
decoder produced same results (length-wise),
although still far away from original ...


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