It was Acy Stapp not Mark T that had a look at doing it but apparently the Windows
ACM doesn't support VBR and I think it was abandoned.  I'm not sure where the
problem is because I'm fairly sure that the Fraunhofer ACM does play VBR MP3 WAV

I haven't found a utility that can add a correct WAV header to a VBR MP3.  Someone
recently requested this option be added in LAME -- which I second.


Cavallo de Cavallis wrote:

> No one replied to the previous mail bout this, btw let's try again :)
> how is going on the ACM driver for windows ? I supposed Mark was workin on it,
> or have u stopped the "adapting" ?
>       Cavallo de Cavallis
> =-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--==
> =     =
> =  Digital Security for y2k   =
> ==-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-==
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