on 00.6.24 0:27 AM, Iwasa Kazmi at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> lame_errorf() was added in util.c.
> I intend to replace fprintf(),printf(),assert() and exit()
> with these macros.

That's really what I have been needed! Thanks a lot!
I can easily replace printf() to my GUI error handle function.

For Macintosh,

int StopAlertf(char* format, ...)
    int status;
    va_list    list;
    char buf[256];
    va_start(list, format);
    status = vsprintf(buf, format, list);
    ParamText((StringPtr)buf, 0, 0, 0);
    Alert(1000, 0);
    return status;

Or for Windoze,

int StopAlertf(char* format, ...)
    int status;
    va_list    list;
    char buf[256];
    va_start(list, format);
    status = vsprintf(buf, format, list);
    MessageBox(NULL, buf, "LAME error", MB_OK);
    return status;

Osamu Shigematsu

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