Curretly none MP2, only mp3 for home story/music-jukebox.

But If I use in past times, then CoolEdit MPEG plugin that was free
downloadable for cooledit 95 (it is not MP3 plugin). It has two
psychoacoustics models, AT&T and NICAM and should save Layer 1 and layer 2
miscelaneous stereo modes and bitrates.
Currently MPEG plugin is not at syntrillium ftp nor web. I can send you one
if you want. I dont know, if it runs with cooledit pro or 2000.

Xing is not good encoder.

Another good encoder is some latest commercial but I dont remember name.


| Odesílatel: Eric.Howgate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Could I ask what encoder you use for MP2 ?
| > I prefer mp2 starting from bitrates at
| 256kbit/44kHz, 192kbit for 32kHz
| > should have some minor artifacts, but different
| kind than mp3 has.

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